1. Voting system

These are the parameters of the voting system that can be used in upcoming seasons.

2. Voting formalities

The final ratification of a proposal requires a successful vote on the safe.eth Snapshot space or specific subspace that fulfills the following requirements and those laid out in the Annex 1 to the respective season.

3. Participation agreement

The participation agreement as implemented through SEP #1 defines who qualifies as a SafeDAO participant. It provides rules to reduce liability to the greatest extent possible, and establishes a complaints and disputes procedure. It aims to manage expectations and provide legal clarity for stakeholders interacting with SafeDAO within the broader Safe ecosystem. Every stakeholder who wants to vote on a proposal via Snapshot needs to first agree to the participation agreement.

4. Voting power

The voting power is the sum of the voters own voting power and delegated voting power.

a. Own voting power

Token holders can generally vote with their vested and unvested Safe token. One Safe token equals one vote, unless agreed otherwise through a specific voting strategy.

SafeDAO and the Foundation do not vote nor delegate with their Safe token allocation. GnosisDAO only votes and delegates with their vested Safe token. SafeDAO and Gnosis do not vote nor delegate with their joint treasury.

b. Delegated voting power

Delegates may vote on behalf of token holders that delegated voting rights to them. Delegation does not restrict token holders from voting themselves; in the event of token holders exercising their voting rights, their vote takes precedence over any vote cast by their delegate. Token holders can delegate or redelegate any time.

c. Calculation of voting power

The voting power is calculated at the time that the vote starts. Votes can be changed until the voting cycle is over.