<aside> 📌 Discussions can be structured freely. Only SEP Proposals in Phase 1 require the following structure. Nevertheless, we advise you to adopt the following template to the extent possible. This helps the reader better understanding your proposal in context and minimizes your workload needed later once the proposal transforms into an SEP.


Title: Pre-fix: [Discussion]; write a concise title to be used for referencing the proposal, e.g. [Discussion] Governance framework

Authors: List all names of people contributing to this proposal (e.g. legal names, forum usernames, ENS names, email addresses).

Created: Date when this SEP was initially created. Format: YYYY-MM-DD


Write a short summary (tl;dr) of the proposal. Keep it as simple and concise as possible.

Proposal types

State which proposal type this proposal belongs to. [] SEP: Constitutional Proposals [] SEP: Governance Proposals [] Other SEPs

Proposal details

Share all information and context about this proposal, including:

Purpose and Background

What problem does it solve? What is the reasoning behind the proposal? What is the goal? Why should SafeDAO care about the proposal?

Effects and Impact Analysis