What’s the Safe AAnything Goes Hackathon?

We are on a mission to bring Account Abstraction and Smart Accounts to the next billion web3 users, and we need your help 💡

This is a non-technical hackathon where we’re looking for the best and most creative ideas to attract the next billion web3 users. We welcome any type of submission, whether it be memes, how-to guides, visual mockups, presentations, or anything else!

Our ultimate goal is to make smart contract accounts the default account across networks, and we know that your ideas can make a huge difference. So, join us in bringing AA to the masses!




We’ll post updates on Twitter and Discord. Please pay attention to these channels if you’d like to know the latest.


Please submit your hackathon projects here: https://wn2n6ocviur.typeform.com/to/vovxgDcW

Terms and Rules