Initial Safe token distribution

Safe has a fixed total supply of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) tokens. The overall distribution of the Safe Token has been defined as part of the GnosisDAO spin-off proposal.


Safe Ecosystem Foundation


The Safe Ecosystem Foundation fosters the Safe Ecosystem and uses its own allocation for general ecosystem building. A portion of the allocation is also held as a reserve.

Distribution: 70M tokens (7% of total supply) with 20M tokens available right away. The remainder will be vested over 4 years.

Voting rights: No (Foundation committed not to use their share for voting purposes)


Purpose: The SafeDAO Treasury can be used to work towards its mission and goals as stated in the SafeDAO Constitution by facilitating further distributions of Safe tokens.

Distribution: 400M tokens (40% of total supply) with 50M tokens available right away. The remainder will be vested over 8 years.

Voting rights: No

Core Contributors

Purpose: Reward key contributors and align them long-term. Get the best talent to join the Safe project.

Distribution: 150M tokens (15% of total supply). 100M tokens are already allocated to 40+ core contributors. The remaining 50M tokens are reserved for future core contributors. Tokens are generally vested over 4 years. It is expected that the full 150M tokens are vested by 2030.

Voting rights: Yes, vested and unvested tokens can be used for voting once distributed to a core contributor.


Purpose: The distribution criteria was set in order to achieve the following: