SafeDAO will change its decision-making process over a specified time frame and run several governance experiments (seasons). Seasons will consist of the following 4 sprints.

  1. Sprints 1-3

The proposals of the first 3 sprints shall address all proposal types except constitutional and governance proposals (s. C.II. Proposal types). This design shall allow a focus on fostering the Safe ecosystem while avoiding distractions from governance proposals.

  1. Sprint 4: Review and governance amendment sprint

As a counterpart to the restriction of governance proposals during the first 3 sprints, the 4th sprint is dedicated to governance review and governance proposals. During this time, no other proposals shall be submitted.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, SEPs related to the implementation and execution of the milestones of SEP #3 are allowed to be voted on in any sprint until their completion.

  1. Guiding principles for timeline

The guiding principles of the timing are (1.) to make the sprint processes predictable, (2.) to provide sufficient time for preparation and review tasks of relevant events and (3.) to strike a balance between Sprints 1-3 and Sprint 4 (review and governance amendment sprint).