1. Which goals does the strategy look to drive progress in?

Foster vibrant ecosystem (Goal 1): SafeDAO benefits from a vibrant ecosystem built on shared components and standards. SafeDAO supports and empowers new and existing projects integrating with the Safe Protocol or initiatives supporting the usage of Safe Protocol.

2. Which metrics and KPIs could initiatives under this strategy be measured against?

3. Outline the execution strategy or thesis

The strategy could leverage content marketing and educational initiatives to highlight the benefits and functionalities of Safe products. This can cover IRL activations, educational content or documentation. This should not cover “random” educational initiatives that do not create an impact.

Initiatives for this strategy should show their previous track record, avoiding untested, random efforts. Due to the difficulty in measuring effectiveness, a higher reputation standard is crucial for ensuring impactful and reliable results.

4. What are some example initiatives that would fall under this strategy

5. Detail around existing data or evidence to support this thesis

6. Detail around any risks associated with this strategy