1. Which goals does the strategy look to drive progress in?

Resilience through decentralization (Goal 2): The Safe Ecosystem shall be independent from any single entity. The Safe Ecosystem components, including governance, should be decentralized and permissionless.

2. Which metrics and KPIs could initiatives under this strategy be measured against?

3. Outline the execution strategy or thesis

The strategy involves conducting comprehensive research and prototyping regarding the decentralization of the Safe tech stack.

4. What are some example initiatives that would fall under this strategy

Formats can cover initiating whitepapers or reports on different aspects of tech stack decentralization as well as developing prototypes or models to test theories and solutions in a controlled environment. This can cover topics such as potential censorship vectors, cross-chain scalability and compatibility, or (existing) tech stack considerations like the transaction service or fee engine.

5. Detail around existing data or evidence to support this thesis

This thesis is building on comparable research investments from other ecosystems, such as the Ethereum foundation investing into decentralization-related research such as lightclients, RPC decentralization or the decentralised relayer standard ERC-4337.

6. Detail around any risks associated with this strategy

The complexity of the subject might lead to challenges in communicating findings effectively so it can be used as a basis for practical development.

7. If this strategy succeeds, what is the happy case?

8. If this strategy fails, what would be some reasons?

9. Assessment of the strategy’s maturity and if there is additional data that needs to be collected for the validation of this strategy