<aside> ✏️ This proposal template is subject to change and iteration. If you have already submitted your proposal after any changes, we will reach out to update it with you. Last update 20 January 2024


Optional: Please add to the submission on the forum also a link to the submission in a Google Doc and share it as suggestion mode

Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 11.49.08.png

Proposal template

When filling out the proposal template please keep the title and questions. You can use this template and convert it into markdown:


  1. Initiative title: Provide a concise and descriptive title for your initiative. Use the format [Draft/Discussion] [OBRA] Your Initiative Title for submission.
  2. Abstract: Provide a brief summary of your initiative
  3. Aligned strategy: Which pre-approved strategy is this initiative driving forward?
  4. Funding request: What resources are being requested from SafeDAO in USDC?
  5. If applicable, upfront funding: Indicate if upfront funding is needed. Refer to 'Payout’ under Get funding from SafeDAO for lump sum payment options.
  6. Relation to budget: State the requested funding as a percentage of the total initiative budget (e.g. if you ask for 50k for Strategy 1: 25%)
  7. Metrics and KPIs: Which metrics and KPIs will the initiative be measured against?
  8. Initiative description: What is the initiative about?
  9. Current status: Does the offering (product/service) already exist or is the funding used to create it?
  10. Risks: What risks does the initiative entail?
  11. Timeline and milestones: Provide a detailed timeline or roadmap, include key milestones
  12. Initiative lead: Who is the accountable initiative lead? (individual or organization)