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Below is an overview of networks and their supported interfaces. Here you can find the links how to access the specific interfaces.


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Disclaimer: The following is a non-comprehensive list of user interfaces specialised for Safe smart account interactions. Please note that terms & conditions apply. Use is at your own risk: Safe Ecosystem Foundation does not assume any liability for using any such interfaces (see also https://safe.global/disclaimer)


Alternate Ecosystem Apps To Access Your Safe

Ecosystem Partner Application URL
Eternal Safe https://eternalsafe.eth.limo/welcome/

https://eternalsafe.vercel.app/welcome/ | | Protofire Safe{Wallet} | https://app.safe.protofire.io https://safe.optimism.io | | Palmera Safe{Wallet} | http://safe.palmeradao.xyz/ | | Palmera Dashboard | https://app.palmeradao.xyz | | Onchain Den | https://app.onchainden.com | | BrahmaFi | https://console.brahma.fi/ | | DefiSaver | https://app.defisaver.com/ | | Official Safe{Wallet} | https://app.safe.global | | Safe CLI | https://docs.safe.global/advanced/cli-overview | | Safe Charts | https://github.com/hoprnet/safe-charts |