The Safe Grants Program (SGP) is an initiative designed to foster a thriving community of contributors within the Safe ecosystem. This is achieved by funding ideas, projects, and integrations that align with the growth and sustainability of the ecosystem. The SGP is managed by SafeDAO, with funding and administrative support provided by the Safe Ecosystem Foundation (SEF).

The SGP operates in waves, with the first wave lasting six months. This includes an initial 18-week operational focus and a six-week review period. The Safe Ecosystem Foundation has committed $1,000,000 USD in grants for the program, with $500,000 allocated for the first wave and the remaining $500,000 available for the second wave. The program aims to significantly increase its speed and scale in future waves, based on feedback and learnings from the SafeDAO community during the first wave.

Contributors can apply to receive between $5k to $50k of funding per grant, however, the Grants committee can request exceptions from SafeDAO to exceed limits.

To learn more about the Safe Grants Program (SGP), please visit this link. If you're interested in joining the Safe Grants Council, you can find the application process and additional details here and here.

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